Who is Mark McElwain? Sound Town Celebrates 30 Year Anniversary with Expansion/Move Business and Owner Survive COVID-19
Long time founder/owner of Sound Town, Mark McElwain, is celebrating 30 years and a new location for 2021. “This is monumental,” says McElwain, “as we’ve been at this same location on Alameda Avenue since the early nineties.” Sound Town has prospered these many years throughout all the changes in the music industry, not to mention the pandemic. Just a few weeks ago Mark came down with the COVID-19 virus and had to self-quarantine and close the store early to protect his customers. “I’m better than ever now and ready to get back to work and plan for the holiday shoppers and our big move! We are really looking forward to the new location with more space, more parking and a stage for live performances!” Sound Town’s new location at I-70 and Pecos area is slated for opening Jan. 2021.
“I started Sound Town in August of 1991 with the help of my wife, Janell, and my then partner, Bill Davis. The 90’s were exceptionally good to us as we grew into four stores. Janell has moved on to a better world after a bout with cancer, and Bill has his own store in Evergreen CO.
“Because brick & mortar retail shops have taken a big hit resulting in loss of sales as many people seem to prefer ordering online, I have consolidated into one central location at Alameda & I-25. We still believe in a handshake and personal attention. We offer automatic exchange of defective items and free loaners of equipment within one year of purchase (and sometimes longer). To compete with the internet, we have expanded our rentals, repairs, production, deliveries and everything it takes to help our customers. It seems we are becoming known as the new ‘Radio Shack’ because we offer a large selection of electronic adaptors & cables. We throw in a lifetime warranty on them all.
“We have a great crew of people including ‘Sound Town Joe’ who speaks Spanish and has been with me for 28 years. My son, Matt, who’s a drummer, now runs the store when he’s not touring.”
“Our slogan, ‘Home of the working musician’ originated because we were all playing in bands. We watched the DJ ‘phenomenon’ develop before our very eyes, so we adjusted our slogan to ‘Home of the working musician & DJ’. I was always the one in the many bands I played in to come up with a PA system, so our store is full line but has a strong emphasis on sound systems, lighting, wireless and sound installation.